The mission of Compucraft, Inc. is to provide the greatest design expertise and highest quality construction available to private industry and governmental agencies In achieving their data and information processing missions. In order to achieve that goal, Compucraft immerses itself in the Data Center industry and constantly evolves its expertise so that clients are provided with the most current, cutting-edge technology available in this rapidly changing, advanced technology field.
Approximately seventy percent of Compucraft’s Data Center projects have been design-build contracts. The design process is achieved through a methodology of careful investigation, evaluation, documentation and, finally, implementation.
The first step involves a detailed investigation of the current site conditions. If applicable, this investigation includes an evaluation of the existing systems and hardware. This evaluation also considers the client’s strategic plan for future service and expansion. From the evaluation, the critical mission of the facility is defined. This allows for hardware and telecommunications equipment to be projected and future considerations to be incorporated.
The mission of the facility is reinforced though careful design of the hardware layout, environmental definition, security functions, backroom support systems, redundancy and reliability. Through detailed design documentation, the facility is refined. The design incorporates all of the defined functions and systems, yet allows for flexibility and expansion requirements. A set of construction documents are produced which are understandable to the user.
The final task is the implementation of the facility design. The project needs to be completed on time, within budget, to the highest standards available while causing the least interruption to current operations.